The following information bulletin is in accordance with Canadian Nuclear Laboratories’ (CNL) ongoing commitment to voluntary public disclosure of events related to the Chalk River Laboratories (CRL).
Chalk River, ON – 2020 October 29 – Further to the public information bulletin issued on Tuesday, October 27, new confirmed cases establish what is now classified as a COVID-19 outbreak at CNL’s Chalk River Laboratories, according to local public health officials in Renfrew County. The total number of confirmed cases is now six.
All affected employees are in self-isolation and following the direction of the Renfrew County and District Health Unit. CNL is working closely with public health officials to contain this outbreak, and continues to maintain extensive workplace measures to mitigate the transmission of COVID-19 at its sites to protect the health and safety of its workers, contractors and visitors.
Patrick Quinn
Director, Corporate Communications
CNL, 1-866-886-2325