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Safety & Security

CNL provides world-class expertise and innovative solutions to address evolving nuclear safety and national security challenges.

Building on our rich foundation of scientific expertise and operational support capabilities, CNL advances Canadian interests in global and national security, collaborates with the Canadian academic and scientific community, and provides value to industry through:

  • Developing and implementing cutting-edge detection and sensor capabilities for national security, non-proliferation, and nuclear safeguards.
  • Advancing and applying novel material characterization methodologies and differentiating signatures under a rigorous quality program to support Canadian and international nuclear forensics investigations and non-proliferation activities.
  • Optimizing protection strategies for public health and the environment; advancing dose projection and monitoring tools; and enhancing systems for the planning and preparedness, response, and recovery for nuclear and radiological emergencies.
  • Enabling the adequate cyber security of operational technology and digital instrumentation and controls in nuclear and other critical infrastructure through capability development and testing, training, exercises, and assessments.


Cyber Security

Nuclear Detection, Forensics & Response
