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Clean Energy Demonstration, Innovation, and Research

Advancing the technological readiness of low-carbon hybrid energy systems

Small modular and advanced nuclear reactors, hydrogen, and fusion technologies are a few examples of the critical clean energy research and development CNL has been advancing for the future of our planet. We’re also advancing the science behind how such clean energy technologies can work together alongside other renewable energy sources – a hybrid energy system (HES).  This is the type of  innovation needed to help Canada achieve its target of net-zero emissions by 2050.  CNL’s Clean Energy Demonstration, Innovation, and Research (CEDIR) Initiative is evolving the development of hybrid energy systems by solving the key challenges in their deployment.

The CEDIR Initiative includes:

  • Conducting clean energy research to support policy and regulation development
  • Performing feasibility studies to generate economic and performance data and system modelling
  • Engaging with community stakeholders to seek input and gain support
  • Advancing the technology readiness level (TRL) of a HES through demonstration

Case Studies

Hybrid Energy System Optimization (HESO) Model

Hybrid Energy System Optimization (HESO) Model

CNL has developed a powerful techno-economic assessment tool to help gain valuable insight into possible energy transition scenarios to support Canada’s clean energy targets. The Hybrid Energy System Optimization tool and/or HESO tool determines the best energy mix by minimizing system cost or Green House Gas (GHG) emissions while achieving performance and carbon reduction requirements.
Thermal Energy Storage Research Project

Thermal Energy Storage Research Project

Could sand, molten salt and concrete hold the key to harnessing and repurposing heat produced from nuclear reactors? As part of the first phase of CNL’s CEDIR Initiative, a team of scientists are exploring how thermal batteries could connect to a nuclear, renewable-hybrid energy system.
Feasibility Study: Department of National Defence Emission Reduction Targets

Feasibility Study: Department of National Defence Emission Reduction Targets

CNL conducted a feasibility study leveraging its Hybrid Energy System Optimization (HESO) tool to support research needs of the Department of National Defence. The study looked at providing energy, both electrical and thermal from a Small Modular Reactor located at Chalk River Laboratories to achieve several goals for 4 CDSB Petawawa, including reaching net-zero by 2050 and reducing the Base’s reliance on and use of diesel fuel.
Small Modular Reactors in Canadian Mining

Small Modular Reactors in Canadian Mining

In partnership with Mirarco, Ontario Power Generation and an undisclosed mining partner, CNL’s SMR technical expertise and HESO tool were leveraged to determine a cost effective means for electricity and heat production that would meet Canada’s net-zero targets.
Electrification of Ontario's Residential Space and Water Heating

Electrification of Ontario's Residential Space and Water Heating

Understanding that electrification will play a significant role in realizing a clean economy, CNL explored the potential economic viability of electrification of residential water and space heating in Ontario. Leveraging the HESO model, different energy scenarios were analyzed to understand the challenges associated with electrification and determine which energy sources will significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Meet the Team

CEDIR Park Concept

The ultimate vision of CNL’s Clean Energy Demonstration, Innovation, and Research (CEDIR) Initiative is a demonstration park hosted at Chalk River Laboratories. Enabled by a Small Modular Reactor, the park will be the final step to advance the technological readiness of low-carbon hybrid energy systems and demonstrate the benefits of a nuclear-renewable hybrid energy system (NR-HES), including:

  • A reliable microgrid powered locally by low-carbon energy
  • Efficient district heating
  • Hydrogen powered transportation
  • Desalination and water treatment
  • Heated greenhouse to enable agriculture in cold climates
  • Heat for industrial processes

Work with CEDIR to advance your technology!

Improving performance, reliability and efficiency

The CEDIR team is actively looking for opportunities to work together with industry, academia and government on solutions to bring clean, hybrid energy systems forward.  CNL’s CEDIR initiative is a unique service offering helping developers answer their key questions.

  • Validate remote and cold weather operation
  • Demonstrate modularity and deployment timelines
  • Generate economic and performance data
  • Prove reliability and resiliency
  • Strengthen indigenous and public engagement
  • Explore zero emissions high temperature heat usage

CEDIR Labs (Phase 1)

  • Modeling and simulations
  • Bench scale demonstrations
  • Understanding the role of each clean technology in support of a net-zero vision
  • Focus on ways to integrate clean energy technologies
  • Optimization of technology deployments
  • Technology agnostic approach

CEDIR Park (Phase 2)

  • Dedicated Hybrid Energy System (HES) infrastructure
  • Growth of modeling and bench scale work into more and larger demonstrations
  • Demonstrate scalability of technologies
  • Operation of physical clean energy systems to generate economic and performance data
  • Demonstrate licensability of clean energy systems closely coupled nuclear
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Stay in touch!

Reach out to us. We’re happy to have a conversation about how CNL can work together with others to help us move Canada closer to its clean energy goals.
