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Site Licences, Certifications and Programs

Health, Safety, Security and Environmental Programs

  • Corporate Security
  • Dosimetry Services
  • Emergency Preparedness
  • Environmental Protection
  • Fire Protection
  • Human Performance
  • Nuclear Criticality Safety Program
  • Nuclear Materials and Safeguards Management
  • Occupational Safety and Health
  • Operating Experience (OPEX)
  • Radiation Protection
  • Radioactive Material Transportation
  • Physical Security
  • Waste Management Program

Modern Slavery Act Statement

CNL holds amongst its core values integrity and the highest standards for ethical business conduct. This commitment influences and guides all aspects of our business, from how we manage and deal with human rights issues, to how we manage our staff, to how we deal with governments and regulatory agencies, to our commercial and procurement dealings with third parties. It is simply who we are as a company.

Download the 2024 statement here.

Icon CNL

Contact us to learn more about our compliance programs.