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Whiteshell Laboratories Decommissioning

Whiteshell Laboratories Decommissioning

The decommissioning of Whiteshell Laboratories began in 2003, after the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission approved an overall decommissioning framework and then issued a site decommissioning licence. Since that time, redundant buildings have been demolished, and new enabling facilities for waste handling have been constructed.

The next major step in the plan is the decommissioning of the WR-1 Research Reactor itself, one of the largest and most complex facilities on the site.  The proposal for that project has been sent to the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission for approval.

CNL plans to complete the decommissioning of the Whiteshell site by 2027.

CNL monitors environmental performance at the Whiteshell site and the results confirm continued responsible stewardship of the site.

In 2023, CNL also developed a short Whiteshell Laboratories Environmental Monitoring Report summarizing key findings.

2024 Relicensing

In February 2023, CNL applied to renew the Whiteshell Laboratories licence for a period of three years. The licence application is available here.

The Commission hearing on CNL’s application happened on October 23, 2024. The Notice of Hearing from the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission is available here.

Current Projects

Research and Development Complex Decommissioning
Environmental Assessment Follow-up Program
Whiteshell Reactor No. 1 (WR-1) Facility Decommissioning Project

Completed Projects

Shielded Modular Above-Ground Storage (SMAGS) Facility
Waste Handling & Clearance Facilities
Cesium Pond
Liquid Waste Retrieval and Disposition (Mixed Liquid Waste, Active Liquid Waste Tanks 1 and 2, WL Tanks)
Non-Nuclear Buildings Decommissioning
Shielded Facilities Decommissioning
Underground Research Laboratory Decommissioning
Site Utility Systems Reconfiguration
Nuclear Services Reconfiguration

Videos & Presentations

Presentation - Mic