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Corporate Profile, Mission and Values

CNL is Canada’s premier nuclear science and technology organization. CNL is a world leader in developing peaceful and innovative applications from nuclear technology through its expertise in physics, metallurgy, chemistry, biology and engineering.
Corporate Profile, Mission and Values

Highly skilled employees enthusiastically deliver a range of nuclear services – ranging from research and development, design and engineering to specialized technology, waste management and decommissioning. Today, CNL continues its commitment to ensure that Canadians and the world receive energy, health, and environmental benefits from nuclear science and technology with confidence that nuclear safety and security are assured.


Advancing nuclear science and technology for a clean and secure world.


We will restore and protect Canada’s environment by reducing and effectively managing nuclear liabilities. We will provide the world with sustainable energy solutions including the extension of reactor operating lifetimes, hydrogen energy technologies, and fuel development for the reactor designs of tomorrow. Together, with partners, we will demonstrate the commercial viability of advanced reactor designs including Small Modular Reactor (SMR). We will work collaboratively with medical/educational institutions and pharmaceutical companies to pioneer new alpha therapies for cancer treatments that save countless lives. We will leverage all of our capabilities for commercial success in Canadian and international markets.

Vivid Description

We stand proud as a global leader advancing nuclear science and technology. The world comes to us to solve the toughest technological challenges. We have the most effective industrial partnerships of any national laboratory. Our campuses are home to a vibrant community of the world’s brightest innovators. Our people know they are making a difference in the lives of people around the world. Our customers in industry and the Canadian government value us.

Core Values

- Safety - Respect - Teamwork - Accountability - Integrity - Excellence

Vision 2030

Take a look at the new CNL!

In the world of science and technology today, the pace of everything is accelerating. We’re reinventing ourselves to be the pace setters, so we can lead the charge in solving the problems that matter. Like building the next generation of clean nuclear and hydrogen energy solutions, developing new and better targeted cancer treatments, and continuing to lead the world in environmental remediation. And we’re becoming more agile and responsive, and improving our efficiency and effectiveness—so we can compete internationally.