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In the Community

In the Community

CNL is committed to developing and maintaining solid, long-term relationships with all of our stakeholders. These include the local communities where we work, the companies we do business with, as well as the public at large. We are committed to communicating in a timely manner and exchanging information and we recognize the importance of listening to our stakeholders and working with them to resolve their concerns. Only through the strong support of our communities will we be able to supply our customers with the nuclear science and technology services they need, while contributing to a strong economy, a clean environment and a healthy society.

Items of Public Interest and Strategic Importance

CNL’s Public Information Program is intended to cover public activities that occur at CNL. It has been prepared in accordance with the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) Regulatory Document RD/GD-3.2.1: Public Information and Disclosure published in 2018.

As a corporation, CNL makes it a priority to build public awareness, understanding, and a supportive appreciation of CNL’s value and relevance to Canadians.  CNL works to ensure that the general public, surrounding communities, news media, supply chain and other stakeholders such as industry and academia are informed about the ongoing activities at all CNL sites (Chalk River Laboratories, Whiteshell Laboratories and Prototype Reactor Sites).

To this end CNL provides a variety of updates through social media and through at the News and Publications page.

Stay in touch!

Press releases and announcements

Community Information Bulletins

Canadian Nuclear Review

Newsletters and Publications

Event Reports

Performance Reporting

Public Disclosure Guidelines

Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (CNL) is committed to maintaining a public information program that includes public access to information related to routine radiological and non-radiological emissions, and non-routine items or events at Chalk River Laboratories, Prototype Reactor Sites and Whiteshell Laboratories. CNL manages this access through its Public Disclosure process. Listed below are guidelines for information distribution for the following licences held by CNL:

  • Nuclear Research and Test Establishment Operating Licence (Chalk River Laboratories),
  • Nuclear Research and Test Establishment Decommissioning Licence (Whiteshell Laboratories), and,
  • The Prototype Waste Facilities Licence (Prototype Reactor sites).

For all sites the primary means for reporting non-routine items or events is CNL’s external website,, while key local officials and stakeholders may be notified through direct contact. The reporting timeframe for disclosure items is typically within four business days; however, CNL balances between securing reliable information and ensuring the public and stakeholders are kept informed.

CNL’s Public Information Program is intended to cover public activities that occur at CNL. It has been prepared in accordance with the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) Regulatory Document RD/GD-3.2.1: Public Information and Disclosure published in 2018.

Icon CNL

Contact us!

For more information on any aspect of CNL’s involvement in our local communities, please contact our Corporate Communications Officer at or 1- 800-364-6989.