Fighting a pandemic
In response to the urgent need for ventilators as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, CNL was part of an...
In response to the urgent need for ventilators as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, CNL was part of an...
CNL launches a new program to advance the production, availability and scientific understanding of actinium-225, a rare isotope that has...
CNL opened the National Innovation Centre for Cybersecurity in Fredericton, New Brunswick, to focus on the protection of reactor and...
AECL, on behalf of the Government of Canada, announced the investment of $1.2 billion into the revitalization of the Chalk...
CNL launches its program to site a Small Modular Reactor (SMR) demonstration unit at one of its managed sites before...
CNL began two major environmental remediation projects: the Near Surface Disposal Facility to dispose of low-level radioactive waste; and the...
On November 3, 2014, AECL launched a wholly-owned subsidiary named Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (CNL) is "stood up" to manage and...
AECL, in conjunction with government agencies and industry, develop a muon detector to monitor transport containers for nuclear materials. The...
AECL demonstrated Thorium fuel for use in CANDU reactors....
AECL tests bundles of American Mixed Oxide (MOX) fuel at the Chalk River Laboratories in the NRU reactor. The tests...