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We can contribute to the stories you want to tell.

CNL’s leading experts are working on the innovative science and technology helping Canada and the world address some of its biggest challenges. Their work has resulted in significant improvements in the health and safety of Canadians, the secure supply of clean and reliable energy, and strong and safe borders and ports of entry – and continues to do so. And beyond innovation, their work helps inform the public policy and regulations governing our country.

Many of these experts are available to discuss their research and provide helpful context and explanation to advancements in nuclear science currently unfolding. Key topics and areas of expertise include:

  • Small modular reactor and advanced reactor research
  • CNL’s contributions to Canada’s SMR Action Plan
  • Reactor safety research & development
  • Canada’s opportunity in the fusion ecosystem
  • Hydrogen production, storage and safety
  • Synthetic fuels production
  • Hybrid energy systems
  • Modelling Canada’s future energy system
  • Medical isotope production, including Actinium-225
  • Targeted alpha therapy for cancer treatment
  • Understanding the effects of low dose radiation
  • Space related research (including health and technology development)
  • Enhancing radiation protection
  • Tritium and other naturally occurring radioisotopes in the environment
  • Environmental remediation waste technologies
  • Studying Canada’s permafrost
  • Cyber security for critical infrastructure
  • How Canada’s national nuclear laboratory supports nuclear forensics, detection and safeguards research
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How can I learn more?

If you should like to speak with one of our experts, please contact

All media inquiries can be sent via email to or by calling 1-866-886-2325.