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July 11, 2022

WR-1 Closure Project submits the revised draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)

Canadian Nuclear Laboratories’ (CNL) Whiteshell Reactor – 1 (WR-1) Project submitted the revised draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC). This is an important milestone in the Environmental Assessment (EA) process for the project.

The draft EIS for the WR-1 Project was first submitted in 2017. Since then, the project team has been working on responding to information requests from the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC), engaging with First Nations and  the Manitoba Métis Federation, and updating the revised draft EIS to ensure a complete resubmission.

Over the course of Environmental Assessment (EA), CNL has learned the key areas of interest and concern from the public, Indigenous Peoples and federal and provincial agencies. CNL has addressed comments from stakeholders and Indigenous communities and incorporated this feedback into the revised draft EIS.

What’s the next step in the EA process for WR-1? Pending a satisfactory completeness check, the CNSC will begin their 90 day technical review of the revised draft EIS. There are likely to be a number of further information requests and comments from the CNSC that come out of this review, but this submission marks an important step in progressing towards the final EIS.

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