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CNL Awards of Excellence/Distinguished Merit Award: Reduction of bioassay sampling with Facilities Decommissioning

Distinguished Merit Award: Reduction of bioassay sampling with Facilities Decommissioning


Brittany Cole, Anthony Masters

For the reduction of bioassay sampling with Facilities Decommissioning.

Following the annual review of routine bioassay schedules across Facilities Decommissioning (FD), it was determined that there was a prevalence of overprescribed tests in the majority of employee bioassay test schedules. A team reviewed the bioassay samples for Facilities Decommissioning and identified the different employee categories within the department, reviewed all of the data for decommissioning, and identified the different employee categories within the department. This significant effort to organize the data and analyze the situation confirmed that given the risk present there was an excessive amount of bioassay.

With this information, the team then consulted with Internal Dosimetry to ensure that the changes being made were sound in terms of the risk presented. Brittany then changed all the categories listed in the Corporate Dosimetry System and ensured that the relevant changes were applied.

After a detailed review with Radiation Protection Management and Internal Dosimetry, changes were implemented to reduce the amount of testing specifically for Lung Counts and Plutonium sampling significantly.

These changes have reduced the cost of testing and increased efficiency by reducing the hours spent on testing to 1686 person hours saved per year.