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Community Information Bulletins/Small Fire from Blow Torch Work Safely Extinguished
March 27, 2023

Small Fire from Blow Torch Work Safely Extinguished

The following information bulletin is in accordance with Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (CNL) ongoing commitment to voluntary public disclosure of events related to the Chalk River Laboratories (CRL).

Chalk River, 2023 March 27 – On Monday, March 20, 2023, a contractor using a blow torch to cut steel at the CRL site identified smoke coming from a wooden pallet that was in close proximity to the work area.

In response to the incident, two contractors quickly extinguished the small fire using a nearby fire extinguisher and water. CNL emergency response personnel were notified and responded to assess the event and safely secure the area. Work by the contractor was suspended while an investigation was completed, and hot work is currently on hold at the job site while a safety review is being performed.

CNL can confirm that no employees were injured as a result of this event. CNL can also confirm that there were no off-site consequences to members of the public or the environment, and that conditions on site remain normal. The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission has been notified about the event.



Patrick Quinn
Senior Director, Corporate Communications
CNL, 1-866-886-2325