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Community Information Bulletins/CNL provides information on a spill of Hydraulic Fluid
October 15, 2021

CNL provides information on a spill of Hydraulic Fluid

The following information bulletin is in accordance with Canadian Nuclear Laboratories’ (CNL) ongoing commitment to voluntary public disclosure of events related to the Chalk River Laboratories (CRL).

Deep River, ON – October 15, 2021 – CNL reports a spill of approximately 4 litres of Hydraulic Fluid from a CNL owned vehicle at CNL’s JL Gray Office location in Deep River, Ontario.  The spill was discovered during operation of the vehicle on the office premises, Wednesday, October 14.  Deep River Fire Services responded to the scene, spill containment and clean-up operations were initiated immediately and are complete, approximately 40 litres of sorbent was used in the clean-up.   Repairs to the equipment are underway.

CNL confirms that there is no threat to workers, the public, the environment or nuclear safety related to this event.



Patrick Quinn
Director, Corporate Communications
CNL, 1-866-886-2325