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Stories and Announcements/Draft NSDF Environmental Assessment Follow-up Monitoring Program document now available
July 08, 2021

Draft NSDF Environmental Assessment Follow-up Monitoring Program document now available

The draft Near Surface Disposal Facility (NSDF) Environmental Assessment Follow-Up Monitoring Program (EAFMP) document is now available. The NSDF EAFMP is a developed version of the conceptual follow-up monitoring that is presented in Section 11 of the Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and includes the proposed nature, frequency and locations of environmental monitoring. The NSDF EAFMP will not be finalized until after an Environmental Assessment decision is rendered by the CNSC, thus is still considered “DRAFT”. While a Commission hearing date has not been established by the CNSC secretariat, it is anticipated that this document would not be finalized until later in 2022.

CNL welcomes input on the draft EAFMP ( and we are planning a series of overview presentations and focus group workshops on various aspects of the EAFMP in the fall of 2021.