CNL has recently submitted to Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) staff the revised draft Environmental Impact Statement for the proposed Near Surface Disposal Facility Project to respond to all federal, provincial information requests and comments. As per Appendix A to the Administrative Protocol for the NSDF, a review by the CNSC is underway. CNL notes that the NSDF Project will remain under CEAA 2012 as per subsection 182 of the Impact Assessment Act.
CNL is making the revised draft Environmental Impact Statement publicly available for openness and transparency regarding this submission as part of CNL’s public and Indigenous engagement.
As part of this submission, CNL has also submitted a number of Technical Supporting Documents.
A key element of the Environmental Assessment process is the public and Indigenous engagement. As a result of engagement activities, as well as formal comments received on the previous Environmental Impact Statement, the NSDF project has been revised to:
- Better communicate the purpose of the NSDF Project as it relates to Canada’s Radioactive Waste Policy Framework and environmental remediation of the Chalk River site.
- Include only low-level radioactive waste, resulting in a change to Reference Inventory and Waste Acceptance Criteria.
- Reflect continued development of the NSDF project design.
- Enhance discussion of the Alternative Means process.
- Expand Regional Study Area for the surface water and aquatic assessment to include the Ottawa River in both Ontario and Quebec 8 km downstream of the Chalk River Site.
- Include a new section focussed on Indigenous Interests.
CNL welcomes feedback on the revised draft Environmental Impact Statement by contacting:
Telephone: 1-800-364-6989
CNL also continues to provide information updates through Engagements posted on this website. CNL also welcomes the opportunity to meet with any interested members of the public for community meetings, events or one-on-one discussions. Please contact CNL Communications for more information.