(Planned) Commissioning and Operation
Pending successful completion of the environmental assessment and necessary regulatory processes, Global First Power plans to begin reactor commissioning and...
Pending successful completion of the environmental assessment and necessary regulatory processes, Global First Power plans to begin reactor commissioning and...
Pending successful completion of the environmental assessment and necessary regulatory processes, Global First Power plans to begin site preparation and...
In the fall of 2020, GFP completes preliminary geotechnical studies on a preferred location on the CRL campus....
On July 15, 2019 the Notice of Commencement of an environmental assessment was posted for Global First Power's (GFP) proposal...
In April of 2019, Global First Power (GFP), announce their submission of an application to Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC)...
In 2019 February, CNL announces that several respondents have successfully completed one of the stages in the Invitation Process. One...
In 2018, CNL launched a four-stage process inviting interested SMR technology developers to begin a pre-qualification for siting an SMR...
In 2017, CNL launched an international request for information on small modular reactors. We recieved over 80 responses from industry,...
CNL develops its vision for Small Modular Reactors, and announces the ambitious goal of siting an SMR on a CNL-managed...